Saturday: Brohaus threw a party; I met lots of folks I hadn't met before. Glowsticks are fun. It was the first time I've been at a party where emergency services were called because someone passed out from drinking too much. Invitations may be given out slightly more judiciously in the future.
Sunday: reverse engineered a big red button with Dustin. That thing abuses HID in quite strange ways - the HID descriptor was effectively useless, and it would only send Interrupt IN transfers if you first sent it a SET_REPORT request on the Control endpoint. Wat. We were successful in finding a command sequence that would answer correctly, but sometimes the device would just hang indefinitely and never give a reply. How bothersome. With a little time and a decent amount of inspiration from libtouchmouse, I made a terribly hacked-together (but working!) library for Windows, OSX, and Linux. From a cursory googling, it appears that I'm not the first to figure out the protocol, but I didn't see any cross-platform libraries, and I think the ones that use libusb on linux will have to unbind the USBHID driver to function. Maybe I'll clean up my implementation and put it on github.
Monday: I woke up this morning rather early. It was loud, and everything was shaking. I need to get better at jumping into doorways out of a cold sleep.
My hair gets super curly when I go to sleep with it still damp.
Joni | 2012-03-13T10:33:55.532694
So what is going on with your RSS feed? It shows no posts since January, though I see some here. I just added the feed to my Google home page again, and it still only shows the older posts. Help? How can I talk to your Mom about what you are doing if I can't get your feedDrew | 2012-03-18T23:17:47.731402
Hmm. The feed appears to still be updating normally when I write entries, and it's valid Atom XML.I suspect that either in my last server migration or the DNS migration that ensued, Google Feedfetcher got the mistaken impression that my server was down...and stopped retrying the URL until I told Google Reader to refresh just now.
Hopefully this is fixed for you too now!
Joni | 2012-03-19T05:54:51.468882
Thanks Drew, it seems to be working now!