Things that I think are awesome:
- playing an upright Steinway with my labmate Lora
- receiving numerous thoughtful comments on my previous post, in the form of Facebook comments, Facebook messages, emails, and IMs
- discovering that someone, somewhere, managed to land on my blog from Google with the search query "You have 5 types of shocks, and you are late for work. You don't have time to look so you just randomly grab socks out of your drawer. What is the minimum amount of socks needed to ensure you got a matching pair". How, I do not know.
Linkdump of people whose papers might be relevant to my ongoing
audio work on the Kinect
(thanks for the names, Brandyn!):
- Ivan Tashev - designed audio pipeline architecture and DSP algorithms for the Kinect and has lots of papers on related topics
- Ramani Duraiswami - research interests include lots of work on microphone arrays and acoustics work
- Adam O'Donovan - work on beamforming and spherical microphone arrays; also apparently interned at Microsoft during the right time to have worked on Kinect
I find it kinda cool, learning the names of the experts in my various fields of
study. There's only so many, after all, and you start to recognize the names
and faces along with the work. That's something I hadn't expected - I guess I
never really though about the fact that the number of researchers in a field
was finite. My daily dose of "small world, huh?"