Shortlog - a log of everyday things



Today's accomplishments:

Sarah wrote an interesting short essay on why she's going to wean herself off Facebook. I've long thought that people spend way too much time on unproductive things on the internet (I'm guilty of reading way too many RSS feeds, myself), and I've also historically expressed (rather verbosely) my concerns regarding privacy and civil rights (exempli gratia the whole rest of this blog). It's wonderful to see one of my friends taking this to heart and acting to change her life accordingly. It makes me feel validated and trusted.

In a similar thread, I asked my little sister what goals she had for the future. She shared, and I suggested that she write them down on a large sheet of paper that she'd see every day, as a reminder for her to focus on the things that are valuable toward accomplishing her goals.

Which brings me to the fact that I need to set some more specific goals for myself. TODO.