I got a number of email replies to my most recent blog entry. This tells
me that I need to implement comments on my blog in fairly short order.
My housemate gave me a lengthy explanation of how I have NIH syndrome
and really ought to suck it up and use a proven blogging engine/service.
I came up with approximately a million excuses, and he rebutted every one
of them. Darn. Now I both have NIH syndrome AND I'm in denial.
Also on my TODO list:
- implement per-entry timestamps for my blog
- code up a patch for high resolution camera modes on the kinect
- code up a patch for low-level camera control on the kinect
- figure out if California is going to deny me residency if I don't return at some point over winter break
- pack for my flight tomorrow. prerequisite: determine if I'm taking a suitcase or a suit bag
- convince (certain members of) my family that I Don't Need More Stuff, Really™ and that I really would rather they donate to
Wikipedia or
the KDE e.V. or
the EFF or
the ACLU
on my behalf rather than give me stuff