Shortlog - a log of everyday things



Per RFC4287, the Atom Syndication Format, section 4.1.2:

"o  atom:entry elements MUST contain exactly one atom:id element."

This atom:id is a UUID that stays with the particular entry, persisting through time and remaining through edits.

I haven't been able to come up with a good way to uniquely associate a persistant hash with a file, short of putting it inside each file, or making a database of them. I'm trying to see just how far I can stretch the filesystem...if you have any ideas, let me know.

According to my CS 262A prof, there is a great divide between the "systems" folks and the "database" folks in computer science. I fall quite clearly in the first category.

Random: I want one of these. And a group of people to play it properly.

I really like the Droid Sans and Droid Serif typefaces. They have very slender letters and narrow kerning, which I assume is ideal for reading text on handsets. Droid Sans Mono doesn't quite strike my fancy - for one, the zeroes aren't slashed, so it's hard to distinguish them from capital Os. And it just plain doesn't look as good as Liberation Mono or Inconsolata for my terminal. I'll totally use the Droid typefaces for everything else, though - I like tightly-packed text.