Shortlog - a log of everyday things



I got the box from Dell to ship my laptop off for service today. It should go out tomorrow. Yay!

WARNING: SPOILERS FOLLOW. Inception is a thinker of a movie, but I have some complaints with it. I can accept suspension of disbelief, but self-inconsistency doesn't work for me. I also didn't like how the supposed recursive timing was inconsistent (not to mention wildly imprecise). The whole concept of the "kick" was ill-defined - rolling the van wouldn't awaken them, but somehow backing off the bridge would? And then the fact that none of the characters are particularly interesting. Nonetheless, despite the mindless action, I did enjoy the movie. Possibly because I was more interested in the technical mechanics of such a world than the people inside it. SPOILERS END HERE.

I've had some seemingly random lower back pain lately, and I have no good place to decompress my spine. This annoys me.

And the nVidia binary drivers on Linux suck - kraken has locked up twice in the past two days when OpenGL compositing is enabled. The nouveau stack is getting more promising, despite its poor performance.

Ginger ice cream is amazing.

I'm trying out a wide variety of monospace fonts, to see what I like best for coding and use in the terminal.